Economic Model That Works For Lancashire 14
VCFSE Sector Manifesto for Lancashire 14 (PRIORITY 3)
3.1 VCFSE Access to Economic Investment: Work with partners to secure adequate investment and freedoms to invest in addressing economic challenges in Lancashire 14. The principle of localism and local knowledge in what works and how to implement should be a core principle of our partnerships across and in Lancashire 14. (linked to 2.1)
3.2 Affordable access to buildings/facilities for groups and communities. As part of this, support Community centres and VCFSE premises to connect and network.
3.3 Let’s build on the Preston Model and make all parts of Lancashire 14 wealthier by democratising our economy and building strong community assets in every community.
3.4 Create access to local credit unions in all areas and wards.
3.5 Accessible advice and guidance on debts, housing benefits
3.6 Real Living Wage: Support the sector to sign up to the Real Living Wage. This may require discussions with commissioners about potential barriers.
Download the Full Manifesto Here
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Credit Unions