VCFSE Sector as an Equal Partner
VCFSE Sector Manifesto for Lancashire 14 (PRIORITY 2)

Levelling up in Lancashire 14: Recognise and build an equal partnership with the public and private sectors to build a better Lancashire 14. This should recognise our fundamental role in making ‘levelling up’ work in reality.
2.1 Co-designed Economic Investment: Joint partner in conversations about and asks of government for investment to grow and rebuild Lancashire 14. In order to make real changes to improve the lives of those most vulnerable in our communities, the sector should be included in conversations about investment through national funds (eg Shared Prosperity Fund), town deals, future high street, etc.
2.2 Implement the Accord: Build on the Accord between the sector, Lancashire 14 Councils and the Health and Social Care Partnerships. As part of this, we ask that public sector partners explore areas within this VCFSE manifesto/vision on which we can jointly work.
2.3 New Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: That the sector meets with private sector members of the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Chamber of Commerce to develop a fit for purpose lines of joint-work as part of a commitment to build a stronger Lancashire 14 as recovery begins.
2.4 Proud of Lancashire 14 VCFSE Sector: Build models to connect the sector into conversations and partnerships with public and private sectors. This should include building connections between grassroots groups and local caring SMEs. As part of this, a short module/video on Knowing Lancashire 14 VCFSE sector should be developed and used in training/induction sessions. This should be part of being proud of Lancashire and Lancashire’s VCFSE sector.
2.5 Develop a mechanism to collectively engage with Lancashire 14 MPs: This should include an honest conversation about tackling poverty and levelling up Lancashire 14 communities.