Central Lancashire & West Lancashire Place Co-ordinator
“I am proud to work in the VCFSE sector where people are at the heart of everything we do. I believe better outcomes and lasting change happens when we work in equal partnership across all sectors”
Rachel Wheble, Place Co-ordinator Central Lancashire & West Lancashire
Contact: rachel.wheble@lacvs.org.uk
Photo credit: Steve Dixon, Lancaster District CVS
Working across Lancashire 14 with a focus on Central Lancashire & West Lancashire, Rachel brings her extensive expertise to the LOCAL Project, alongside studying full time as an undergraduate at the University of Central Lancashire, towards a BA(Hons) in Applied Community and Social Care Studies.
Rachel has worked within the VCFSE sector for almost 15 years, including establishing one of the first foodbank projects which combined both ambient food with fresh local produce vouchers – a scheme which is still running today.
Her extensive knowledge and connections within the food and farming sector has helped her work creatively expanding local food initiatives, researching local supply chains, and supporting emergency food provision.
Rachel has worked with CVS organisations across Sefton and Lancashire 14 in community development, addressing poverty and inequality and most recently working closely with residents across local communities in Blackpool with Arts Based Community Development.
Rachel trained in Asset Based Community Development with Cormac Russell and the Local Area Coordination Network and is currently participating in a women’s health voices research project with the Co-production Collective based at University College London.
Rachel has in-depth experience of bid writing and project management and recently volunteered to support Lancashire County Councils participatory budgeting pilot and completed the My Food Community Leadership course with the Soil Association.
*Rachel works on the LOCAL project website & social media and is part of the LACVS tech & comms team working with colleagues from across Lancashire 14