Green Communities
VCFSE Sector Manifesto for Lancashire 14 (PRIORITY 5)
5.1 Reimagine public spaces to create community ownership and pride. Conduct a review of public spaces in conjunction with partners.
5.2 Develop community food supply chains linked into local allotment and gardening initiatives, for communities and Food Bank users. The VCFSE sector has been truly remarkable in feeding people in need during the COVID crisis. Going forward – could we channel our efforts into organic food growing and local supply chains, reducing food waste and helping the environment? Is it possible for the food bank movement to work with beneficiaries, supporters and others, to develop community allotments and home-based micro gardens? Build a ‘grassroots’ Community gardens and allotments movement in Lancashire 14. Run awards linked to this.
5.3 Create a Green Lancashire 14 Network: a cross-sector network and space for collaborating on green initiatives across Lancashire 14. This should use an online platform of shared best practices, which explore a range of initiatives that enhance community cohesion and pride in green and community spaces.
5.4 Green Prescribing: Develop a model for Green prescribing in Lancashire 14, linked to Social Prescribing (see theme/action 6)
Download the Full Manifesto Here:
Collaborations, Partnerships, Workstreams & Case Studies
West Lancashire Food Partnership, member of the Sustainable Food Places Network
Schools Sustainability Conference (video link)
Schools Sustainability Conference (Report)