Community wellbeing and person & community-centred Public Service Models
VCFSE Sector Manifesto for Lancashire 14 (PRIORITY 4)

4.1 Establish a Services for the Public Innovation Panel: Five years ago, the NHS commissioned Realising the Value which articulated models of person and community-centred approaches to joined up, local integrated working built around citizens. This model should be revisited as part of wider integrated working and delivery of services for the public. There is a need to identify potential areas for innovation and improvement for the benefit of our communities. To support this discussion, a joint, cross-sector Services for the Public Innovation Panel should be convened, with cross-sector leadership facilitated by the Innovation Agency, to review how we collectively support our communities, based on the Realising the Value work (NHS and Health Foundation) as part of a joined-up approach to recovery and new models of integrated working: Realising the value – The Health Foundation
4.2 Community Boards: Explore mechanisms to include and build on the voice of Communities. One example to explore are Community Boards, which are a new way of bringing the council, groups, organisations and local people together to look at local issues and find ways of improving them together. As a community-led partnership, Community Boards will:
- influence how decisions are made and how services are delivered
- represent the voice of local people
- capture thoughts, ideas and suggestions
- bring together key community partners and residents
- identify local needs and work to produce creative solutions
4.3 Network of Community Champions: Explore potential for a network of Community Champions, one in each ward or health neighbourhood, across Lancashire 14. There are two potential roles:
- Voice: These could be roles linked to community centres and grassroots VCFSE organisations and could be a way to support the voice of communities across Lancashire 14; possibly a community assembly model. If Voice, we need to decide if this is the preferred model over Community Boards. AND/OR
- Community development: This could be a community organiser model, possibly networked across Lancashire 14, to provide peer support. Possibly duplicating link workers and local community development, or integrated.
4.4 Person-centred delivery principle: Recognition, in terms of service delivery, by public sector partners of how much time is needed to support an individual. this should be incorporated into commissioning and procurement practice.
4.5 Develop a VCFSE Mental Wellbeing model of support
4.6 Build a community-led, cross-sector community development model of supporting people to link with others with similar interests. Eg Community Circles models linked to a cross-sector apprach that understands ‘the workforce’ eg care home staff, volunteers, carers, social care, NHS staff, paid VCFSE staff, Wellbeing teams, etc. Understanding the local wider workforce, that includes the VCFSE sector, and promoting integrated training (eg MECC)
4.7 Develop a model of support for Lancashire 14 wider workforce (ie including VCFSE paid staff, volunteers and carers)