Adequate VCFSE Resources to play our full part in the future of Lancashire 14
A VCFSE Sector Manifesto for Lancashire 14 (PRIORITY 9)
9.1 Co-design funding in Lancashire 14: Establish a Lancashire 14 Funders Forum that meets quarterly and links into VCFSE strategic agencies in order to understand and flex to needs of local VCFSE groups. The Forum should review learning from pandemic in order to simplify mechanisms, support accessibility and draw on VCFSE intelligence (possibly co-design investment need and asks). Review of current model of giving, fundraising and donations to the sector across Lancashire 14. National Emergencies Trust and Lottery funding have been two important sources of investment over the past 15 months. Need this to continue.
9.2 Develop and consult on a Lancashire 14 VCFSE Commissioning Framework.
9.3 Develop a VCFSE ask of the Shared Prosperity Fund.
9.4 Influence recovery investment into community centres and VCFSE service providers. The latter should support a longer term model of blended (face to face and online) and inclusive VCFSE service delivery.
9.5 Lobby for a period of zero rated VAT for capital works on charity operated premises.
9.6 Full rate relief for VCFSE premises in order to address income generation losses from those premises
9.7 Recognition of the role of the sector in addressing need as part of system planning. This could link to light touch grant investment.
9.8 Improve sector access to free community assets, free resources
9.9 Programme of VCFSE leadership and future leaders training. This could be part of an integrated workforce training approach across Lancashire’s public, private and VCFSE sectors.
9.10 Access to uncomplicated small pot/grant funding for medium, small and below the radar community groups. This is a vital part of keeping the sector ticking over, as key elements of functioning communities.
A Fair Funding Protocol For Lancashire Powerpoint Presentation Slides discussed at the LOCAL Project launch on 6th March 2024. This an overview of the approved future funding protocol for Greater Manchester as a starting point for discussion around its suitability as a A Fair Funding Protocol For Lancashire: